
Pro Bono


Pro Bono and Volunteerism


municipal court programs

As a participant in the Houston and Missouri City Municipal Court Volunteer Prosecutor Programs, volunteered over 100 hours and tried more than 40 municipal cases to a judge or jury. 

discrimination litigation

Volunteered hundreds of hours in labor and employment litigation, including pro bono prosecution of discrimination and retaliation claims before an administrative judge of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.


Offered hundreds of hours of legal time managing nonprofit condominium association litigation, including claims against developers and property management companies.

Federal district court

Afforded the opportunity to volunteer as an intern for a U.S. District Court judge.  Assisted with the research and drafting of bench memoranda, judicial orders and review of habeas appeals.

Construction litigation

Volunteered over 100 hours of billing time as lead counsel in the defense and prosecution of construction defect litigation, and attendant fraud claims, both in state court and in arbitration.

texas pro bono college

Twice admitted to the Texas Pro Bono College.  The Pro Bono College recognizes attorneys who have far exceeded the State Bar's aspirational pro bono goal in their efforts to address the vast unmet legal needs of the poor.

office of the us attorney

Volunteered as an intern for the United States Attorney's Office, assisting with trial preparation and writing appellate briefs and research memoranda. 

landlord-tenant litigation

As a volunteer for the Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program, contributed hundreds of hours as lead counsel in landlord-tenant litigation involving an indigent client that was wrongfully evicted.

innocence projects

Contributed legal research to various projects with a goal of exonerating inmates who have persuasive claims of wrongful-conviction, as well as legal research for lawyers representing pro bono clients before the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.